Is Bangkok Forum 2018 open to all?
Yes. Bangkok Forum 2018 welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. We invite active public participation. Though presenters have already been finalized for Bangkok Forum 2018, you can certainly contribute as a non-paper presenting participant. -
How much do I pay as registration fee?
There is no registration fee. -
How can I register?
A registration portal will be open until October 10, 2018. So, please register as soon as possible. As a registered participant, you are entitled to receive a conference kit at the onsite registration desk at the event’s venue. The kit will include printed program, brochures, your name tag, bag, among others. -
Can I do walk-in registration?
No. We cannot accommodate walk-in registration. -
Can I bring my friend/family member to listen to my session only?
Yes of course. But each person you invite must register online. -
What do I do if I can no longer attend the Forum after my registration?
Please e-mail the Secretariat at bkkforum@chula.ac.th immediately.
Can you issue an official letter of invitation for every participant?
No. The Secretariat will only issue official invitation letters to the invited speakers and guests. -
I need to apply for a visa to enter Thailand. Will you issue me a visa endorsement letter?
Yes. Please go to the FAQs Visa page, download the visa application form and send the request to the Secretariat at bkkforum@chula.ac.th. If you are not an invited paper presenter/invited guest, the organizer is obliged to verify your application information first. Please attend to these steps as soon as possible.
How much time do I have to present my paper?
Each presentation is allocated 20 minutes. PowerPoint presentation is encouraged although not mandatory. The chair of each panel will be provided with common guidelines for managing the session effectively. The chair will follow the usual method of alerting the speaker of the time s/he has left. -
When and where should I send my PowerPoint and or presentation material?
Please send your files to the Secretariat at bkkforum@chula.ac.th before October 10, 2018. The files will be sent to your chair/discussant for their preparations in advance. You will be responsible for preparing your material on the computer at the session room. -
Am I required to submit the full paper before the presentation? Will there be a conference publication?
No, it is not a requirement. However, the Bangkok Forum 2018 will print the proceedings, compilation of the papers/presentations and record of discussions from the panel and plenary sessions. Submission guidelines will be sent to all invited presenters.
Where is Bangkok Forum 2018 taking place?
Several locations in Chulalongkorn University: Main Auditorium, Maha Chulalongkorn Building, Art and Culture Building and Sala Phra Kieo. Specific details will be indicated on the “Sessions in Detail” page on the portal. Please also refer to the following links.
https://youtu.be/UxOdLDxnj9M -
Where can I stay during the Conference? Will Chulalongkorn University arrange my accommodation?
(i) Invited speakers and guests will hear from the Secretariat regarding their accommodation and logistical support. The Organizer will cover the costs for three nights (check in on October 23, 2018, check out on October 26, 2018), unless otherwise agreed. The Secretariat will announce further details soon.
(ii) Not an invited speaker: You are responsible for your own accommodation. Bangkok is full of reasonably-priced accommodations which are available near Chulalongkorn University. Please do your own internet search. [Chulalongkorn University is situated in the center of Bangkok, with BTS (skytrain) and MRT (subway) system within short walking distance. Participants can reach the university quite easily. It is recommended that you utilize various online booking sites (e.g. booking.com, agoda.com, hotel.com, expedia.com, etc.)]
Is there any dress code?
No. However, during the Opening Ceremony, organizers kindly request you to dress formal according to the protocol of Thailand and Chulalongkorn University. Further guidelines will be communicated to participants via announcement on the website.
Will there be any exhibition during the Forum?
None at the moment. But should there one planned soon, announcements will be made on the website/portal. We will also announce other activities that may be introduced in advance. -
May I display a recently published book at the venue?
The organizer will not be able to provide space or permission for any individual participant to display his/her books/materials at the venue.
More Questions?
If there are other specific concerns not covered by this general FAQs, please contact bkkforum@chula.ac.th.